Thursday, May 9, 2024

Intro. to Group Riding - Sat 11 May 10:00hrs

Route to Fowlmere

Group Ride Sat 11 May 10:00hrs

A southerly breeze is forecast so we will be heading to Fowlmere .

We meet at Cambridge Central Station Plaza

These rides are aimed at those who are confident riding a road bike and have a good level of general fitness but probably haven’t ridden in a group or organised club setting before. Anyone and everyone is welcome irrespective of age as long as they are over 18 (or over 16 if accompanied by a parent/guardian).

This ride will be just over 20 miles with the option of a café stop at Cafe Amigo west of Fowlmere. Speed will be 12-15 mph. Group sizes will be up to 10 and there will be multiple groups if required. Nobody will be left behind.

What to wear – if you have cycle specific clothing then that is great, however this is not mandatory.

What you will need - cash/card for the café. A couple of spare inner tubes, tyre levers and a pump. A mobile just in case of a mechanical that we can't fix. A bottle of water, preferably one that can be stored on the bike.

Interested? Here is the link to sign up for our rides. If you would prefer not to commit, you are welcome to turn up on the day.