Thursday, November 2, 2023

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of Cambridge Cycling Club will be held online at 7pm on Monday 13th November. Please note the date: a Zoom link will be sent round later along with the agenda, papers and proposals. Do please try to attend - it is your opportunity to shape the direction of the club and to make sure we meet the needs of the membership while reviewing the year that has gone.

If anyone has any agenda items, proposals or suggestions, please send them to Colin at by October 8th, so your Committee can consider them and we can add them to the papers.

This is also an opportunity for you to join the Committee and directly assist in helping the club - we have a number of committee members standing down and it is always great to freshen the committee and hear new voices. Do step forward: if you are interested please contact Colin or speak to one of the other Committee members.

We really need someone to come forward to organise our road race, the Ike Saul memorial race, as Tom Begg is stepping down from that role. We need one (or more) of our roadies to take on the role. Full support will be provided, of course.