Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Club Time Trial Wed 19 July 19:00hrs

Congregation and Start
Our next event will use a new 9.3 mile course based around Six Mile Bottom (SMB).

Congregation and start is "Turbo Alley" for the E2/10, being a side road off the A1304 just south of the SMB crossroads.

Riders proceed in a south easterly direction to West Wratting, before turning left towards Brinkley on the B1052.

At Brinkley, riders bear left returning to SMB, finishing some 140 metres before the level crossing.

For this event, sign-on will return to our usual format, that is "on the line".

First rider off at 7:01pm. Suggest you arrive in sufficient time to sign on and pin your number.

These events are free for Club members; non CCC members are welcome to ride for a £5 entry fee (£3 of which goes to CTT on whose behalf we run these events)

Another reminder that helmets, front and rear lights are now mandatory.