Saturday, October 12, 2024

Mudguards and Clubruns

Club-runners are reminded that mudguards are required whilst the clocks are on Greenwich Mean Time, otherwise you may be asked to ride at the back of the group.

Show consideration to your club-mates by ensuring your rear mudguard extends below the wheel hub.

Attaching a rear mudflap helps considerably. We have custom mudflaps in stock £8. Contact the Clothier.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Mallorca Training Camp 2025

Next year's training camp will be from Saturday 29 March to Sunday 6 April.

Details to be announced.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

End of our Club Time Trial season

The final event in this season's schedule was the Hill Climb at Brinkley.

The Woodland Cemetery kindly gave us permission to use their car park as our HQ.

We were fortunate to have pleasant conditions which enabled Kate, Ramona and Mary to serve refreshments.

Congratulations to our Hill Climb Champions Tim and Lucy, not forgetting our League Winners Ben, Lucy and Chris.

Finally, thanks to all members who have helped run our events this season.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Annual Hill Climb Wed 21 Aug 18:45hrs

Woodland Cemetery - Congregation & Sign-On
Our final Club event this season is our Annual Hill Climb on Wednesday 21 August using the 1.7 mile course between Six Mile Bottom and Brinkley.

First rider off at 18:46.

Woodland Cemetery have kindly given permission to use their car park at Brinkley to congregate, where riders also sign on.

The start is about 1.4 miles west of the car park on the road to Six Mile Bottom, so arrive in plenty of time to sign-on and get to the start.

Competitors who are not CCC members are welcome to ride for a £5 entry fee.

Should a hill climb not appeal to you, turn up anyway for our end-of-season social where Kate will be providing refreshments. It would be great to see everyone who has participated this season.


Saturday, August 10, 2024

Club Time Trial Wed 14 Aug 18:45hrs

Congregation & Start
Our final time trial event this season is on Wednesday 14 August at 6:45pm using the E33/10. (Bottisham to Newmarket and back.)

We congregate in front of the commercial units on the A1303 Newmarket Road near the Bell Road junction.

First rider off at 18:46. We suggest you arrive at least 20 minutes before the start to allow time to sign-on and pin your number.

Guest riders are welcome for an entry fee of £5, whether members of other clubs or free spirits.

A reminder that helmets together with working front and rear lights are now mandatory. No lights: No helmet: No ride.

Next week - Hill Climb at Brinkley.


Thursday, August 8, 2024

Introduction to Group Riding

Cambridge Cycling Club is keen to broaden its reach and offer opportunities for people to get involved and share our love of cycling. We are delighted to offer a series of introductory group rides this summer on the second Saturday of each month.

Our next ride will be on Saturday August 10th leaving Cambridge Central Station Plaza at 10:00hrs

These rides are aimed at those who are confident riding a road bike and have a good level of general fitness but probably haven’t ridden in a group or organised club setting before. Anyone and everyone is welcome irrespective of age as long as they are over 18 (or over 16 if accompanied by a parent/guardian).

Rides will be between 20 and 25 miles with an optional café stop on route. Speed will be 12-15 mph. Nobody will be left behind. We have four routes planned depending on the wind direction: -

North towards Cottenham and Oakington Garden Centre

South towards Fowlmere and Cafe Amigo

East towards Bottisham and Anglesey Abbey

West towards Bourn and The Stove Cafe

You will need cash/card for the café. A couple of spare inner tubes, tyre levers and a pump. A mobile just in case of a mechanical that we can't fix. A bottle of water, preferably one that can be stored on the bike.

Here is the link to sign up for our rides. If you would prefer not to commit, you are welcome to turn up on the day.


Monday, August 5, 2024

Club Time Trial Wed 7 Aug 18:45hrs

Congregation & Start
Our final shared event this season with Newmarket CTC will be on Wednesday 7 August at 6:45pm using the E33/10. (Bottisham to Newmarket and back.)

We congregate in front of the commercial units on the A1303 Newmarket Road near the Bell Road junction.

First rider off at 18:46. We suggest you arrive at least 20 minutes before the start to allow time to sign-on and pin your number.

Guest riders are welcome for an entry fee of £5, whether members of other clubs or free spirits.

A reminder that helmets together with working front and rear lights are now mandatory. No lights: No helmet: No ride.